John and Trish Pellen - Virtual Reality Hypnosis -

Hypnosis and Virtual Reality - Do the two worlds mix? The answer is YES and the assistance that it can provide in the future will be ground breaking.

Hypnosis associated with virtual reality for pain reduction showed a significant decrease in the subjects pain levels. One of the biggest blocks about VR and Hypnosis is gaining training in the area of hypnosis and the area of virtual reality. Many therapists know one or the other OR tend to have a block towards the technology associated with VR.

VR headsets and gaming is a 13.4 billion dollar industry and it has its positives and negatives. The postives … It’s great fun, immersive and even great for your health and skill set improvement. The negatives … as always people like to experiment with sacring themselves and with an immersive experience comes jump scares and fears.

But let’s think about this next level. Just imagine if you could help a patient to feel relaxed in virtual reality whilst they were have a dialysis treatment. The studies show that the more we relax the better the healing.

Some benefits of Virtual Reality Hypnosis for the Medical World -

- Going to the dentist and taking a wonderful journey whilst your teeth are being attended to.
- Being inside a relaxing Virtual Reality world whilst getting MRI scans and treatments.
- Submerging into a cold environment for burn victums to go through there skin stretching regimes.
- Reminding the mind about how you can walk for rehabilitation after accidents.
- Assisting clients with cancer treatments by going into a world of cell rebuilding and regeneration.
- Reducing stress whilst getting blood taken or treatments involving needles.

and this is just in hospitals.

Imagine it now inside the clinic for -
- Quit smoking clients that are resilient.
- Sports hypnosis where the client can practice skills and amplifications of beliefs.
- Stress, depression and anxiety reduction.
- Conquering fears and phobias by going into a world of safety.
- Reducing pain issues with visual and audio cues.
- Public speaking enhancement where the client can practice on a virtual stage.
- Alcohol reduction … the list goes on

and this is just the start … you could also do one on one sessions INSIDE a Virtual Headset and see the client fully in a chosen environment. It doesn’t need to be in a clinic. Perhaps your client would relax better sitting with you down by the beach releasing any issues they have.

What are some negative VR experiences?

The truth is that VR isn’t for everyone. Some people may feel nausea with VR and some people require special lens’s due to eye issues (and not all VR headsets are the same). My partners brother, Luke works with VR however, he struggles with locomotion movement (this is where you move forward/backward/side to side/up/down in VR) to counteract this their is an option inside of VR to look around then if you want to move you can teleport to the area quickly.
A great example of a nauseating VR experience are sessions that are vortex based. They create motion sickness and do not allow for the speed of the graphics to be changed so the eyes can keep up with the information coming in. Even for the experienced VR user like myself these vortex videos are a horrible experience (and the nausea can last hours!).

Truth be told these really aren’t true VR experiences anyway, but rather an attempt at creating “something” by using a 360 degree videos. The video is split between right and left eye and then when you watch it with your headset it will blend the two videos into one. See example below.

Soldiers Get Virtual Reality Therapy for Burn Pain read about the studies here >>> CLICK HERE

Here is the study about VR Hypnosis and pain management from the PubMed Library >>> CLICK HERE

Trish’s 2021 Presentation.

VR is now being used in real-estate tours and even tours of far off destinations!

If your looking for some more relaxed VR experiences we highly recommend TRIPP. Here is a demonstration from Trish in 2021. Virtual Reality is growing at a fast pace and using it in the healing industry is truly a mind blowing experience! Enjoy.


Trish Palmer and John Pellen.

Amanda Dounis


Cema Santos - LinkedIn Profiles that Convert