Karyn DeMol - Heal with Sound

I love talking to Karyn. She always brings a smile, laugh and a ray of sunshine. In the past 12 months she has survived an aggressive cancer that lead to invasive surgery in her neck. But not even cancer could hold her back from spreading smiles :)

This year at Australian Hypnosis Conference she is going to talk about healing with sounds. She used sounds and incorporated them into her healing process. She is living proof of how the vibrations and tones of sounds can accelerate our healing even from the harshest diseases such as cancer.

She also uses sounds to move her body and bring joy to her heart as she dances around on tiktok, ensuring everyone remembers to smile and laugh. She truly is a beautiful soul.

All those that attend her class will recieve a download of her book heal with sounds - If you go VIP we will send you a copy of it plus you can download the digital version.

Karyn will also be on the breakfast panel in her unicorn oodie discussing with other leaders in the industry about difficult clients. I’m holding Karyn to the unicorn oodie and who knows … maybe she’s inspired me to get one myself.


Hello there, I’m Karyn


It has been a privilege and a pleasure to help women just like you through their very personal journey of growth & healing using my transformation coaching services and alternative therapies.

When I first start a coaching program, I find most women have felt like they’ve been alone on their journey, they know something is missing, but often don’t know exactly what …

They have often spent years struggling, not wanting to admit they need help.

And it is only when there comes a beautiful point in every woman’s life where that struggle becomes so real, they open themselves up to ask for help and get the change they want.

So, if you’re questioning, I can help you. I am an award-winning and best-selling author, therapist and coach. I am honoured to have your back, and help you find the courage, confidence & clarity to make your life what you (actually) want it to be.

Whether you want to pursue self-awareness, personal development, healthy habits and thinking…?

Or if you need help to create a more fulfilling relationship with yourself, your body and your emotions…?

And even better relationships with others…

I am here to help … Go to Karyn’s webpage >>> CLICK HERE

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Karyn and Megan’s 2021 Presentation

We reached out to the 2021 speakers and asked if they would like us to publicly post their content for more therapists to learn and share - Karyn said YES!!! So here it is. Watch as Karyn and Megan show you a 5 step system to letting go of money blocks. Is money really the root of all evil? Watch this and release yourself.


Trish Palmer and John Pellen.


Rebekah Fisher - Hypnotherapy for Childbirth


Meera Duncan - Treating Bipolar Disorder with Hypnosis.